The LAKE GEORGE GEM & MINERAL CLUB is a Not-for-Profit Colorado Corporation based in beautiful Lake George Colorado!  Members include hobbyists interested in Geology, Gems, Mineral, Rocks, Jewelry, Artifacts, Geography, enjoying the Great Outdoors & being in Support of the Earth Sciences.

Club meetings are now being held at the Lake George Charter School Gym. 

Check the newsletter for more information.  We have wonderful speakers, well worth the trip to town!

2025 Club Membership registration is now open. 

We allow membership registration between January 1 and March 31 of each year.  We have extended membership registration for 2025 until 4/30 due to problems we have been experiencing with the online registration on our website.  We now believe that we have most of those issues resolved.  Log in or create an account to begin the registration/renewal process.  Then click on Membership on the top menu .  Follow the instructions to complete your registration.  Please note that on some pages the "Next" button is right behind the Questions/Comments button.

Call for Volunteers

The Lake George Gem & Mineral Club historically has been rich in activity, all due to volunteers.  Please reach out to a club leader or volunteer for more information on how you can assit--you'd be surprised how easy it is!  We can't do it without you! 

We are always looking for and require volunteers to:

  • Assist with content and production of our award-winning newsletter
  • Events:  Lead field trips, provide ideas on field trip destinations, suggest content for educational presentations
  • Participate in club leadership providing direction for the club
  • Promote and participate during our annual rock show
  • Promote and assist in our internet presence
  • And there is more...

Create an Account

Click here to create an account on the Lake George Gem and Mineral Club administrative website. This will allow you to become a club member and sign up for available field trips.


Click here to learn more about the Lake George Gem and Mineral Club, see membership options, and discover the benefits of subscribing.